The above thread and comments really helps the rest of the world appreciate the US attitude of "tolerance" for other nations and beliefs!
Nuke'em .... what the phuk !
i found the article interesting and something which may trigger discussion.. why do i get the uneasy feeling something reminscent of 9/11 looms on the horizon?.
it is inevitable that al-qaida will again attack the united states.
it is also inevitable that eventually they will be successful in causing death on a massive scale (as this is their intent) much like they did when the world trade center and the pentagon was attacked.
The above thread and comments really helps the rest of the world appreciate the US attitude of "tolerance" for other nations and beliefs!
Nuke'em .... what the phuk !
time to get your heads out of the sand.
know your enemy: allah!!
Fantastic way to incite race hate wouldn't you say?
what do you brits have to say about monty python's flying circus and the inidivdual actors?.
do you take offense?
are you proud?
Many of the sketches are still funny and worth watching. There are the odd moments that are cringe worthy, but they were cutting edge at the time. A lot of the humour was "of its day" and should be viewed that way..
The ex-Python crowd are a little unfunny now. I think for years after Python they had a certain legacy to try and live up to and in many ways failed to do so.
John Cleese had his finest moment in Faulty Towers. Michael Pallin floundered (IMO) after the film Brazil. Eric Idle aside from the odd bit-part has had no great impact upon film or TV, the film Baron Munchausen (sure I spelt that wrong!) was pretty cool visually and Idle played a decent role.
Terry Gilliam however has always been an immense visionary. Respect! From his cartoons to his excellent film direction. Brazil & Twelve Monkeys being my faves.
The other guy, whose name has slipped out of my mind at present is probably makes an entertaining after dinner speaker.
The problem with Python in the UK (at least I think it became a problem) was the adopting of the show by most students through the 70s/80s as their cult club! Endless recitals of classic sketches to the point of utter boredom. The Python crew being shouted at as they walked through Tescos by a spotty teenager who was attempting a funny walk.... etc. You could argue they had bought this upon themselves or it was a form of respect, but in my books, it became bloody irritating and completely destroyed its appeal to me.
I think today, at least within the youth crowd, Monty Python is a surreal show that appeals to the older generation. I would think that newer shows like The Fast Show, The Office, The League Of Gentlemen, Pheonix Nights, etc ... have now taken its place.
75-year-old man charged with impregnating 10-year-old
75-year-old man charged with impregnating 10-year-old .
by associated press, 4/18/2002.
That statement is very alarmist. I would never sexually abuse a child and therefore you could trust me. Show a little faith in humanity, it is a minority that commit these crimes, not the majority !
the kids are very keen on having a christmas tree and some decorations.. is there any date these are supposed to go up or are we going to look really silly having it up mid november ?
There is one nutter in the Midlands area who keeps his Christmas stuff going all year round. Up to you really. Doesn't tradition dictate that you raise the tree 12 days before ?
here's some fun!
next time you meet some vacuum skulled witness that believes.
armageddon is "soon", challenge them to define "soon".. is "soon" 6 months?
Last I heard two weeks ago, was that:
The clock is ticking & we are really close now !
hmmmm .... .. .
will you let your kids see hairy porter and the chamber of demons?
the nameless one's little peeps ain't a seeing that mess.
spiritism is a work of the flesh.
I believe there is a place for fantasy in our lives. Witches/Wizards/Magic are not real. They are an illusion painted by the human imagination.
I always felt that the miracles of Moses/Jesus etc were pretty cool and smacked of magic. They were performed for the good of mankind? Surely. So if wee Harry Potter uses his powers for good, then what is the difference? They both make great stories and both fill people with hope and warm tingles.
Better than beating yourself around the brain with images of doom & gloom and mass destruction all day. Harmless escapism.
I'm sure Mr Comforter sees my words as Satans' great plan though. I would have too years ago, before I decided to reason for myself and not have others reason for me.
As has already been stated - it is a matter of conscience - pure and simple.
front page
the roving eye
" "second-rank" operatives arrived in the past five years and "have no idea about the plans".
To respond in kind would not be the course of wisdom. If there were clear links to a particular group, then hunt the group. If it were a country who decided that nuking was the way to go, then usurp the emperor and leave the people. Afterall, it is only the power crazy who would take such action in the first place. Protecting innocent lives (like me) should be of foremost consideration. Keep me out of it baby - I only want to eat a chocolate muffin and drink tea in peace !
front page
the roving eye
" "second-rank" operatives arrived in the past five years and "have no idea about the plans".
Whats wrong with wearing a towel on your head. I make a habit of it ?
Edited by - Dizzy Cat on 15 November 2002 4:36:56
disfellowshipping on smoking.. especially smoking a cigar from time to time does not have to be harmfull.
but i personally have disfellowshipped persons for smoking sigarettes, although i never saw a good biblical base.i mean many filthy fat friends did we have, addicted to sugar, carbs, and you just knew they were going to have health-problems sooner or later.
now i smoke cigars, maybe one good cuban a day, and i am slim, active and can run 10 miles without any problems.. who had the same doubts about this dogma?
What about if you take a nice country stroll, smoke a nice cigar alone and then dispose of the evidence in a clean way?
Also, some fat people really stink and smog out the bus service. I find that quite offensive.
By the way, I don't smoke, but used to smoke spliff and often quite miss it.